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Minka Glasier

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Minka Glasier last won the day on July 24

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  1. Aren't they fun. Ann? I really didn't know what to expect when we went. We had just heard from a friend that went there the week before us, that they had to call park rangers to come move all the rhino's out of the road. Traffic couldn't move on. I thought that was funny. They have a lot of rhino's and one mom rhino had a baby (which was probably a baby to her as she was still protecting it) ... but it was big, too!.
  2. Like yesterday, I have a jammed packed day today ... so did today's early. I can't begin to even tell you how great a place the Lion Country Safari was. The animals get to roam free (except for the lions of course.) There's a reason they call him the KING. LOL They had rhino's, giraffes, monkeys (on an island) and so so so much more. If you didn't feel like you took it all in - you can just turn in again and drive through a second time. Beware though, it takes a couple of hours to drive through the first time! After you are done there is another entire park to enter, walk through, and maybe get something to eat. That's where you will find the birds, amusements and more. Being a birder that was a must see for me. I have to tell you the Lorikeets are so much fun, I didn't ever want to leave. You can pay a nominal fee and get some food for them ... and once they see that food cup in your hand - they are all over you. Such Fun!
  3. I had time to play this morning while electricians were here ... fixing of all things ... the pool! LOL The alternating color title I found so much easier than the two papers one, which I WILL play with again later. I'm glad to have a pool this year as it seems every beach for miles around me has had shark sightings and closures. Some of those sharks even have drones following their journey. I saw JAWS once many years ago! That's enough to convince me to stay in the pool! We have always had sharks out to sea, but as our waters warm in the Northeast, it seems the sharks are acclimating, too. It is their home, so I guess I will let them have it. We have had whales, too, deliberately attacking boats ... one close to here that threw the two men aboard into the water. Yikes. Scary. They were fine, but the boat I bet wasn't. Yup, POOL sounds like a great idea!
  4. Carole was right about these things bringing back memories. In looking at pictures to use, I decided to revisit a trip my husband and I took before his passing. Kind of sad in a way, but also bringing smiles for the fun time we had. I had trouble with the two papers title and going to revisit that again to get it logged into this noggin ... but I just ran out of time for today. Will play with it again tomorrow to see if I have better luck. OBVIOUSLY, I need to watch that video again (and maybe take a couple of notes!)
  5. Just playing with this one again to get the wording thing down pat and also wanted to see just how busy you could make it and still see stuff - once you make it small. It's surprising just how much you can put in there - but I'll admit, I got a little carried away. LOL It's just a practice piece - not being saved or going anywhere. I'm thinking of it as a "Learners Permit"! LOL
  6. I went with some Nautical items as that seems to be the story of my life. LOL Always has been, probably always will be.
  7. I just used the basic one given as I was off to the dentist chair ... but it was vibrant and pretty and had blooms on it which I am STILL waiting on here! I'll take the digital blooms if that is all I can get! LOL
  8. Haven't had much time to play as a major house project started much earlier than I expected .... but I am following along. Love seeing what everyone has been doing! I am looking forward to July 4th ... a traditional day of BBQ around this family!
  9. Been doing cemeteries ... so I guess I have that on the brain. Memorial Day fast approaching. I was okay with the little stars as they had color behind them. It's already super busy and colorful ... don't think it needed any corners. LOL
  10. Not much for embellishments here ... going to send to family and see how many want to go!
  11. I sew in a group in Florida for the Greater Federation of Women's Clubs/RWWC - and we are ALWAYS thankful for new members to participate. We sew for many charities and organizations that just need help ... the Cancer Center, Pregnancy Center, whatever locals ask for help. We have only about ten members right now but hoping for more! We do lots of other things, too, to make money for teen scholarships and support many groups that do good things! When I am not playing in PSP, you'll find me at a sewing machine. LOL
  12. First one just using just what was given and a drone shot of my neighborhood. I've just returned for the summer - early - and wow, it's still chilly here! The second one I played a little more and made my graphics and tube in ai ... then wanted to try Carole's duplicate text shading trick. Yes - nice. Always something to learn.
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