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rjay segura

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  1. Hi OK no. 7 done and it's been fun and educational. Loved it. Thanks. I have learned a lot Cassel. The course showed me how to do PSP graphics much easier. I was really doing things a much harder and longer way. thanks again.
  2. Hi Vector tubes tut ...very interesting.. enjoyed this a lot thanks. I have not used tubes before this tut.
  3. Hi got it done. very nice that you can adjust the circles.
  4. Hi learned a lot of cool things on this tut. very helpful ...Thanks
  5. Fun to do
  6. Hi yes and that is what i did ....deleted a node... so the vector got wonkie and would not let me do what i wanted until i closed the vector. So i ended up with a nice image. Good tut. very enjoyable
  7. Hi yes i am sure Cassel can explain that much easier than me. She has very good tuts. i have learned a lot.
  8. Hi good stuff. Mine got a little wonkie also and i noticed for some reason that the vector changed to open ...so i clicked the close vector button and it went away.
  9. Hi lots of good little tid bits in this tutorial. Made things much easier. I changed my material color palette to classic cause i really like the border around the material frame.
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