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Cindy Lawrence

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Junior (4/14)

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  1. Lesson 7 was another great lesson that I will use! Thank you Cassel for the great workshop. I truly enjoyed it. I created a letter with flowers for this lesson.
  2. Lesson 6 - I loved it. I have played and played with this. I can see myself using this a great deal. I took one of the labels I had made and used it for this lesson. I placed the silver glitter tube around it and then hid the label and added text. Thank you again for a very useful lesson!
  3. Lesson 5. Another valuable tool for me. I really should have proofread what I wrote, but I was too focused on the process.
  4. Lesson 4, I am feeling more comfortable with the program every day.
  5. Lesson 3. I am hoping to get caught up soon.
  6. I make a fair number of cards and I use shaped layers for the cover sentiment so I decided to make shapes that I will use there. I also learned how to center and align shapes.
  7. Anne creates beautiful things! She has been hounding be for over a year to get PSP. Well she finally convinced me to do it and I am learning from her as well as here. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and Anne thanks for being a great friend.
  8. Here is my arrow also.
  9. I am totally new, 10 days into the 30-day trial. I ran into some issues accessing the classes, but I have now had success, and what a great teacher Cassel is! I finished Monday's lesson and created my arrow and heart. Tomorrow I will try to catch up. I know my shapes are pretty basic, but I am happy that I am learning how to use the program.
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