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Carolyn Rye

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Carolyn Rye last won the day on November 26 2023

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  1. Day 7 and I have managed to learn so much. All I have to do now is remember everything. Cassel, I do not know how you have managed to retain all this information. When my little grandson found it too hard to learn something, he would say to me - too hard to do. Now I know what he meant.
  2. Day 6 with the Mask Workshop. I have be able to learn so much. The new way to doing backgrounds is great and fun to do.
  3. Day 5, and still loving this workshop. These are another 2 of my grandsons when they visited me in Alice Springs.
  4. Day 4 of the Mask Workshop. Learning a little more each day. I love these workshops because it helps me so much.
  5. Day 3 of the Mask Workshop. This day tested what I have learnt about Masks. I feel so much more confident now. My problem now is how to respond to others on this site. I don't know where to go to respond to anyone. Cassel is there some literature that I can get regarding this? I feel a bit silly that I do not know.
  6. Day 2 of the Mask Workshop. It am finding it easier each time I attempt doing this. Thank you Cassel for your comments regarding my beautiful grandchildren. These photos were taken many years ago, and as adults they are still beautiful. I really like the way you did the background on this workshop.
  7. Day 1 of this Mask Workshop. I have really been looking forward to this as I can never seem to get the knack of mastering Masks. Thanks for the opportunity Cassel.
  8. Day 7. This for a bit of a test for me, but I certainly did learn a lot.
  9. Thank you. I changed it a couple of times before I ended up with the one I looked best.
  10. Yes I did not have any ricrac ribbon then I think I ended up leaving out the effects totally. Good find. Thank you Cassel.
  11. I just realized that I showed this as Day 6 and it is actually Day 5. I am not really good with words or numbers. Sorry about that.
  12. Day 4 completed. I found this a little harder because I did not have the script "Clip to it". No worry I did learn how to do it manually.
  13. Day 3 done. Ready to start Day 4. There is just so much to learn. Thanks Cassel for your amazing instructions.
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