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Cheryle Becker

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  1. I hope you get the chance. It was wonderful.
  2. Now for the next 2....
  3. Hi, It's always great to see everyone's projects. Here is mine. I've saved it all up to put in two go's. Thanks Carole for the Affinity Lessons. I have made these in Affinity and have noticed quite a few mistakes, (that I may not have made if I had been working in PSP), but it's all a learning process. This is from a trip we did on 'The Ghan' Train. If you get the chance, do it.... Thanks again to everyone.
  4. Hi Carole, I resized the photo this time and had no trouble. So here is my Project 2....
  5. Hi Carole, It worked this time.....Thanks again. Here is my Project 1.
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