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Anne Burgess

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Anne Burgess last won the day on May 29 2023

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Junior (4/14)

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  1. JUMPING UP AND DOWN!!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww It turned out so GREAT! I knew all your hard work would be awesome, but I could not wait to see how Staples turned out! It is truly magical!!!! It's amazing how REALLY GREAT this turned out! I especially like the glossy effect....and I think the size of the type turned out just right. It was well worth the wait. Love it, Cassel...JUST LOVE IT!!!!
  2. Scrapbook Campus Bootcamp - Lesson 5
  3. I'm still not sure I am in the right place. Poor Cassel having to put up with me. I am sure glad you guys are smarter than me! lol This is my completed plate and sandwich.
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