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Colin Hooson

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  1. Colin Hooson

    Colin Hooson

    My odd's and sod's
  2. OK the last one for this month, it a gnome word wall. I took the words from a free download from Creative Fabrica the gnomes moved in and set up home in the depths of my computer; they pop up from time to time, I don't remember where I got the candy canes from, I have about 80,000 clip art items mainly on two discs. Keeping track of that lot is a nightmare
  3. Hi all, I know I'm getting a pain in the you know where, but this one is just for Cassel thanks for the window and garland, hope you like what I did with them
  4. This month's almost out time to think about Feb which marks the depth of winter. This little piece is Lab 6 08 had some problems getting the push brush size to fit the length of the ribbon a bit of trial and error with that. Yes I remembered the shadows this time ?
  5. These a lot happening in europe around now. when is someone going to wake up and realise this is the reverse of the 1960's cuban missile crisis. The west should back down and look to see what is happening and take the right action or we are in for a nuclear winter
  6. Didn't realise it may have been taken in the autumn (Fall). thanks for clearing this up, Regards Colin
  7. Don't know how far south you had to fly to get the trees like that but here in the UK it's bare branches and snow for days at a time. Still I have a few plants that are flowering. Even the Wall Flowers.
  8. Not too happy with this one, it just will not come out right. All the elements of Lab 6 07 are there but it just doesn't look right, but hay ho.
  9. Ok I'm a day late but happy new year (Chines) it is now the year of the rabbit. The top banner is a download from the internet the rest are items from my collection of clip art.
  10. Hi, Have to take things easy so have time to work through some of the Lab exercises so her is the latest offering number 6 06. The background is a more a spring paper, I downloaded from somewhere, with the theme of cupcakes and baskets of daffodils. The ribbons are made following the instructions in Lab 6 06, using the Webdings text the bicycle is the letter "B" and the tape measure is also from the Lab 6 06. The photo's came from a night out over 20 years ago, so we all look a little different, my son is now 30, I won't tell him I used that photo of him.
  11. Hi, It's 12th night, the night when all Christmas decoration should be taken down and in victorian times was celebrated by a family meal. Well yes my daughter came over and had a cup of coffee while helping us take down our decorations. Is anyone else who takes down their decorations etc today? It's considered bad luck to leave your Christmas decorations after today. The background to this was a gradient with Effects> Artistic Effects>Halftones with the settings of square 22; Screen Angles 1. = 120; 2. = 103; 3. = 133; with the Use Overlay box ticked and the Blend Mode set to Luminance. the Opacity of 55 and the Colour Scheme at RGB. The photos are taken from the internet; the title text was a font called "NEWYEAR" with the journal text is just ARIAL.
  12. Hi, yes its me again, not able to move around too well so time on my hands. My wife Karen started an interest in sewing around the middle of last year. She has been attending night classes at the local college so half the spare bedroom is given over to her growing amount of materials; I have the remainder as my computer room/office. Karen has made a new years resolution to start to make here own clothes so she'll have some nice new outfits for the spring and summer. The title are Jeans Patch alphers from Cassel, the journaling background and main background is from the The-Ultimate-Vintage-Bundle download called "vintage sewing papers" a free download from Creative Fabrica. The other elements are just images taken from the internet.
  13. Some more free time on my hands so worked on Lab 6-05. The "Burst" shapes were easy enough to make and I included one that was already in PSP shapes. Making the "Halftone Papers" was fun and I experimented with a few, I also made two new gradients which has added more to my skills with PSP. The Cartoon words were really just duplicating and moving the lower layer a few pixels downward. What is happening as I don't seem to be able to insert the URL from the image in the gallery as I did before and zhave to result to inserting the image direct into the post
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