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Wendy Sanders

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  1. I think I must be doing something wrong here...I'm not really sure about where to put my post...should it be where it says "Quote" or is that only to reply to the previous message? Anyway here is my Lesson 4 - I used a Kay Miller scrapkit called Sweet Snuggles.
  2. It must have been an amazing experience being there for a month...we went on a cruise and stayed in the sound all day and it felt like being on a movie set...those walls up each side of the sound are like nothing I've ever seen before...huge vertical cliffs...
  3. WOW...great shot! Gotta love NZ...I've been to Milford Sound and thought it was the most awe inspiring thing I've ever seen...I am only over the ditch in Melbourne.
  4. Absolutely beautiful Jeni...love your colours.
  5. What a gorgeous little girl...I have a great granddaughter who looks very much like this one and she is now 3 but 4 in February...love the card Ann.
  6. I hope I'm doing this right...this is my go at the first lesson.
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