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Leslie Gifford Cook

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  1. Down to the wire with these, but here are Days 3 and 4.
  2. A few more of my turnings. The darning mushroom is made from a piece of a lilac bush. You should be able to just see the purple lines in it. The sawdust smells a lot like the flowers. The pendant and earrings are made from some small pieces of tulip wood. The papers I used all came from Marisa Lerin's DigitalScrapbook.com.
  3. A little late in getting through these lessons and posting. My pictures will likely all come from the things I've turned since I may want to use some of these layouts in my advertising. Thanks for the great info. This one shows a Walnut lidded box with an inset in the top. I wish I could take credit for the inset, but I purchased the material from a retired woodturner and we didn't have time for me to learn how he put the shape together. The turning work is all mine though.
  4. Hi, Leslie here from Peterborough ON Canada. I'm not ignoring this group, but it has become a very busy week. I hope to be able to review and work on all of the calendar options on Sunday.
  5. Finally got my letter done (with partial beads and inner bevel). This has been a very educational workshop. Wish I had time to try all of the new features before I forget them. Thanks
  6. I've had a busy week, so a little bit behind. But here is my Lesson 6 attempt.
  7. Here is my new logo with text in opposite directions. Thanks.
  8. Good morning all. I wasn't able to post an update yesterday because I didn't get the email with the info for Day 5. I also don't see one yet for Day 6. Not sure what is happening, but I set my "following" preferences back to all notifications and I'm seeing everyone else's progress with envy. Thanks
  9. A little late getting started on this, but I think I've got it. Need to practice the curves a little more. Thanks for the file Carole.
  10. I didn't get the email for Day 4. I've checked my spam folders too. I did change the update notifications to once per day, but I thought that was just for this forum, not the emails from Cassel.
  11. Here is my Day 3 leaf - I think it is an Ash Leaf.
  12. Here is my lesson 2 homework. Good features to learn.
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