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Henry Schellenberg

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  1. I posted the first three and then it would not let me post the next one. Hopefully I can get the last two posted here - Henry
  2. Hello, maybe just under the wire. I think I posted the sandwich and project 1 and 2, but I am not sure.It appears they were oversized even thpough I had reduced them to 600x600. So I will post all five here. It has been both an enjoyable and not so enjoyable refresher. I had to do a lot over and over, but I guess that is how you learn.
  3. My first car I bought in a junk yard and then with my boss's help fixed up to be a reliable car for a number years. Max speed 45 miles per hour. Henry
  4. I am submitting black and white photos that are part of my father's collection. They were taken in the 1920s-1930s. I did not try to fix these, except for blemishes that would have been distracting.
  5. I don't know if this was posted because I was not sure how to do this, so if it is twice, I am sorry Henry
  6. Hello I am Henry, I have taken this course a few times but I have been away from doing this for something like a year, so I thought I needed a refresher. I have some old black and white that depict life in the 30's & 40's. I am not sure this is my grandfather, but I know he travelled in this kind of Buggy.
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