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Jackie Savukinas

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  1. Susan, thanks so much for your comments. Geez, of course, a Diamond membership it the ticket! This workshop coincided with some time off from work so I usually don't have the time to devote to this (I need a lot of time, computers are not intuitive to me at all) but I think I will sign up. Thanks again!
  2. Hi, where are the guidebooks? thanks
  3. My biggest problem was seeing the lines to move the nodes after you selected the node type. One thing that helped me in the leaf project was to set the leaf vector to invisible while I was trying to get on the line to move the curve of the node. It was a lot easier to see it when visibility was turned off.
  4. Thank you--I think I'm catching on. I did actually decrease the node size because if you don't hit the exact spot, it's not going to work anyway so I may as well narrow the target. I so appreciate your advice!!
  5. Hi, if you click on a node and then right click and all the choices for node type are greyed out, does that mean you really haven't clicked on the node? Is there any way to tell that you are clicking on a node or somewhere else? Also, often times when I am trying to click on a node I get the white circle with line through it. I know how to rectify that as you told me this morning to just go into the layer palette and click on the ellipse again, but do you know what I keep doing wrong? From watching your video repeatedly, you are able to manipulate the arms so easily. It took all day but I got an arrow and a heart.
  6. Okay, making sure that my layer is selected got rid of the white circle with a line in it but when I put my cursor over a node, my cursor has either a plus under it or a wavy line under it and when I right click, everything is greyed out.
  7. Hello Everybody, I am beyond frustrated and I see that there are others in the same boat, although many of you have had success--congrats on that! I was using 2022 and saw that there may be a bug so I upgraded to 2023 this morning. Things seemed to have been better with the new version but I quickly started to have the same problem while I was trying to select the node to make the heart (still on step 1). I don't always see the lines and when I right click on the node, cusp is greyed out. Now PSP is having a fit, which I was also experiencing yesterday, where all I get instead of a cursor is a white circle with a line through it. I must be doing something wrong that puts it in a tailspin.
  8. Hi Everybody! Looking forward to another one of Carole's awesome workshops. I am not very adept at PSP or any other software for that matter, but I keep trying!
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