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Deana Davis

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  1. Was there a lesson for today? I didn't get the email if there is. So I'm lost already lol
  2. I'm looking forward to this class to see what new things I can learn. Thank you Cass for doing this subject for us.
  3. These lessons are fun. Step by step i'm learning. TYVM Here are my samples for lesson 6
  4. all the samples sent in are wonderful! wowzer! Here are mine from lesson 5. I love that we keep practicing similar steps. I've done text on curves many times but could rarely remember how to reverse the text. With so much practice I actually may not need a tutorial for that now.. woohoo
  5. That one was challenging for me. My problem seemed to always be that the edit mode switched on me. It's done now. TYVM for your help Cassel!!
  6. I am doing the coffee cup and saucer. I have tried 3 times to get the cut out to work and I'm not able to do it. I go step by step with you but it's not removing the handle space. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to stick with it but these are times I get frustrated and drop out. I'm really wanting to stick with it and conquer my lack of sticktuitiveness.... is that a word? lol HELP
  7. I do hope I can retain this information! It's great fun to see the variations and get more ideas from each other. Wonderful work people! Here are my samples for Day 2
  8. Sorry I'm out of the gate late once again. I've done lesson 1 and have these results.
  9. I'm here as well. Getting things setup so I can be somewhat organized.
  10. I just registered. I use to make rubber stamp cards, which I loved, but since our remodel and all my things are packed away I thought this might be a really good alternative for me. I hope I make it to the end of the classes. I displaced my hip so I'm not very mobile and not sure what the doctors will need to do to get me walking normal again. But I'm excited for the class!
  11. yes, Rene's hint of think "SPOOKY" is a good one. Just check all the areas
  12. Thank you Rene This was a great lead when I got into the right area!
  13. Sometimes doing a search for specific words in the questions helped me. Then I just check all the results to find it. Suzy... don't quit!
  14. I'm FINISHED and it is emailed. YAY! I had to look for my last one in an area that I didn't consider looking for any... duh to me lol Thank you Cassel!
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