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Rodney Boyd

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  1. Quick Page 3: Images of Martin Head. A small rocky island resembling a head located along the Fundy coast of New Brunswick.
  2. Quick page workshop lesson 2. My daughter and me on bike, Jess with boyfriend then later husband. Rosie nice and warm at Lake Louise BC
  3. Quick page workshop using available image on my HD.
  4. Concentration made me think of terrible things from years gone. Today's world conflicts do not help. Items are from Bing except paper from jessica-dunn. Font is Arial Narrow.
  5. Busy as a Bee uses 2 papers by Jessica Dunn. Pictures and Hobo Bee are from Bing.
  6. Day 7 Project #3 Used 1 paper from site provided “DSF March 2013 Blog Train – Designs by Marisa Lerin.” Glitter also from site provided and paper from Nellie Bell. Pictures, flowers and rainbow strip from Bing search. Fonts are BankGothic Md BT and Vivaldi with a small bevel applied.
  7. Always time to ride again 😉
  8. I needed a profile pic and finally found something I could use. Photos of me are rare. I decided to play some and did this. I used PSP with sprockets from marisa-lerin_134588_handy-people-gear, Harley from Harley and me from parents.
  9. This picture brings back memories of days playing in the mud. I did the background in CorelDraw.
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