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  1. Possibly VECTOR related question. I downloaded an EPS file from Creative Fabrica. It says 100% EDITABLE | VECTOR EPS FILE. WORDS AND FONT CAN BE CHANGED. I was able to open in PaintShop Pro but it just appears as a single image .. cannot see how to edit text. Is there some way that I need to open an EPS file in PSP that allows me to apply the effect to the text?
  2. Carole, Thank you so much for your lessons on Vector. I like what I have learned so far and expect to review to get a better handle on what I have not "mastered" yet. Everyone else, Thank you for sharing your work. Thank you for helpful input. Thank you for encouragement by showing what can be done, and encouraging words to push ahead. This is great! And having something that I have learned that I can use in the future is really the best part.
  3. Thank you. This sounds promising.
  4. I wanted to do text on a path in PSP but kept missing something 🙂 Anyway, I am quite enjoying that part and that is my focus of the vector workshop. I used text to path for the introduction to a video for the service from our church today. I like learning things. I like it much better when I can use what I learn. Thank you again, Carole. I so appreciate this.
  5. Thank you. I was not expecting any help on this but am very grateful for your suggestion.
  6. I sometimes experience a problem because I somehow set up so that things get moved to Microsoft Cloud (one drive I thinK) and sometimes to my actual computer. I have not been able to figure out how to get everything to "stick" on my computer and so sometimes things just seem to disappear.
  7. A follow up to Lesson 5. I decided to try something different with my pointed border. I wondered what would happen if I started with a Vector instead of a Raster. So I created a triangle with the pen tool. Then I created a script to rotate so that I had 8 triangles. Then I merged visible to a new layer, duplicated, rotated, then merged visible to a new layer and rotated again. This came out exactly as I wanted it. I may change the script to make it more flexible but for now, using a vector, I have what I wanted. And I have somewhat of what I want a glow by duplicating a layer, changing the colour and using Gausian Blur (multiple times).
  8. This is lovely!
  9. LESSON 5 I found this tricky. I now see why Carole keeps emphasizing to convert to path. It is so easy for me to forget that step. I like how far I can go in PaintShop Pro. I usually use AAA LOGO Software to create text on circle. I like the fact that it has a lot of shapes that come with the product. It also has the ability to add things like an outer glow and inner glow. How can I go from my PaintShop Pro version to add the features I can in AAA Logo? I know that I could try to create a shape with the points but expect it would be tedious and would probably not be 100% symmetrical. I have a script that I created to duplicate and rotate and used that to create the points (but it is not vector). I added that behind my text on path and can get part way to where I can with AAA Logo software. For some reason, as I duplicate and rotate, the size of each eventually grows so that my last triangle is noticeably larger than my first one ... I don't know why this enlargement happens It is most noticeable at the top . Any suggestions on how to get it all the way to look like AAA Logo creates it would be appreciated. Anyway, in PSP, I think I may be able to replicate results. I have tried now a number of times with some success. NOTE: The one with the green glow is the AAA Logo one.
  10. Well, I had to try something different. (1 - Heart4) (I wasn't sure if this would work with a layer that was not raster which is what I have used it for in the past.) I ran a script I created to take copies of the layer, decrease the size of the copied layer. Repeat. Then merged the layers. Then I flood filled with red in some areas. (2 - Heart3) I then took a copy of Heart4 and applied the Colored Foil. I did not show this. I then took a copy of this layer and used the blend mode to get Heart3. (3 - Heart2) Then I used Heart3 layer with blend mode against Heart4 and ended up with Heart2. (Conclusion) I liked the variations that I was able to produce. I like it when it gets to be fun.
  11. I think I should have added some colour and pattern 🙂 I think others figured this out. Maybe next lesson for me.
  12. Here are my heart and arrow. I hope to use this in future.
  13. Mention of PSP 9.. IT APPEARS TO BE AVAILABLE BUT WOULD NEED KEY. NOT SURE IF WORKS ON WINDOWS 11 https://www.oldversion.com/windows/paint-shop-pro-9-0
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