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Leslie Pugs

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  1. It's a shame about the plugins, as there is so much more you can do with psp 2023, and easier, too. I will do what I can in 2023, otherwise will use my old trusty 2019.
  2. I've been trying the program, but at this point it isn't working very well for me. I'll give it another try, but if it still is giving me fits I'm sure not going to buy it. I couldn't get Filters Unlimited to install, either. I'm just frustrated. I was hoping for better.
  3. I have bought 2023, and since it's a 64 bit program the old plugins that are 32 bit don't work with it. Does anyone know of ones that will work? Here is info about a program that makes 32 bit compatible, courtesy of Cassel. https://scrapbookcampus.com/2022/10/featured-resource-pluginbridge/ Thanks! Leslie
  4. This is my try for lesson 3. I am owned by one of these creatures. 😄
  5. From a trip to S Africa. Notice the double rainbows!
  6. Wow, thank you!! I had no idea. Learn something new all the time.
  7. I have been trying to do this one for over an hour. How do you hilte the text on the vector layer? I get to that step, and do not know what tool to use. Thanks for any help.
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