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  1. Wow, that turned out great, Gwen! The card is really, really great, too, so I guess you aren’t a beginner, see next paragraph. Did you tell your son he is the baby bird with the giant mouth? Hahahaha! Next photo you can step back from the cement, say 5- 7 feet away. It’s ok if there is a seam or a dirt spot. Or you could go to a stucco wall. Then you can have two go-to textures, each completely different, that you can use any time. From there you can color them, or get Carole’s script that takes the photo and makes a blurry multicolored background from it. Darn it, I forget the name, can anybody help here? BECAUSE I MEANT TO BUY IT AT THE BIRTHDAY SALE AND FORGOT! Well, anyway, you put the colors you want on your cement with the script, then when you go to the different blending modes it’s a wow! Size of the image is perfect.
  2. Hi, Gwen, I’ve been super busy with daffodils which takes me out of the campus for 6-weeks, Mid- March thru April. I just now saw this. Sounds like you’ e got them going! on the woods and bridge photo you posted, that is EXACTLY what I meant. So you put that on a background of maybe off- white and change the transparency so you can see the pic, but it isn’t wholly in-your-face visible. Bottom Layer off white or white, next layer above it, your photo at 20% transparency. Or less or more… 🙂. I HATE directions like that, but it’s the truth. Now run out to your garage wall or a parking garage wall or a cement wall or even a cement driveway if you can take a pic straight down with your toes not showing, or somewhere-anywhere, and take a pic. Now put that on TOP of your photo at say, 2% transparency. This sort of pebbles your photo so it isn’t quite so crisp. You can stop anywhere along the process, but the final thing is to play with the blending mode sliders. Try “multiply” with your cement wall. Now you should have to squint to even tell it”s a bridge in the woods and the photos you’d scrap on top will take center stage. Suzy
  3. This is awesome, Marie-Claire! You’re right, the charm doesn’t look metallic, but it *does* look wooden, so that’s cool, too. The metallic letters are beautiful, as is the entire layout. I’m going to Google Scottish Collie because I thought you once said Pancho was a Rough Collie. I want to see if there is a difference in Europe that we don’t know about over here! ☺️
  4. There are a million ways…. from your own photos. Just a woods with a creek photo, say, then blown up to the smallest side being 3600 pixels (or whatever size you’re after). Backgrounds can be blurry with the resize. Crop to,size. Put your zip line or camping photos on it. a photo of a parking garage wall, a stucco wall, an elevator door…..resize, place on a colored paper and mess with the blending modes, maybe “multiply” then move the transparency slider to 40% and see what it looks like. You can use packing peanuts, a park bench back, old wooden storage barn, peeled paint fence or wall. I used my wood floors, and also a painted wall where you could see the puckers of the paint roller. As long as the “original” is over 12” square, it will work. (I use 16” as my parameter) photo of Kraft paper, waxed paper, butcher paper, florist paper, cardboard box panel, packing paper (even if it’s been crumbled). Then add color. And blend modes, use those sliders! as long as it’s for your own use, these are sometimes popular: scan or take a photo of newspaper, wrapping paper, wallpaper. When you have it, start looking at textures. effects-texture, texture. Add one that is subtle, but not too subtle. I find this the trickiest. Post your results!
  5. Bonnie, these LOs are all just wonderful! Just so fun and lively (though the subject matter doesn’t hurt, LOL!) ***and tell the photographer or the group selfie that she has some serious skills!***. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 We can barely get 4 people in one! Question for you (or Carole) — On the “Photos in a Circle” template, it says they can be any shape. Can it also be any size? For instance, all I’ve seen go on a 3600 square mat, but what if I wanted to do 9”? Would that work? Or even 4”? (Maybe I’d want to do elements - birds circling or little flowers or something)
  6. Hamstrings. Or heart. (I haven’t been keeping up with these, they’ve gone so fast!)
  7. Oh, gosh, I didn't see the first one until now - love the out of bounds with both the giraffe AND his leaves out of the frame LOL! I just love the round disks in the middle and the stamped paper - well the giraffe paper underneath, too. An excellent LO all around.
  8. That is so nice - the stripe paper and the dots withthe tilt of the backing papers. So happy! And the alpha is fun, too. (Wouldn't you hate to have to reach into that bucket of fish futter? Blick!)
  9. Mary, This is just perfection! I cannot believe you made that net! Or the fish hooks. Really, it is just exquisite. Corrie, I wonder if anybody would like to join us? Isn’t that script amazing? And so versatile. PLUS it’s good for 2024, but also 2021 and 2029 - anything because the second line can say anything you want. Does anybody want to do a P52 - photo a week with Corrie and me? As she said, if anything big comes along, it can just have its own page(s) stuck right in there with the singlets.
  10. Healthy Heart Rate (2 Hs to match Corrie’s 2 Gs, hahaha)
  11. X = xercise oh, wait, I spelled it wrong. 🤣🤣🤣 how about X-training?
  12. Hello! happy New Year! I somehow lost my “follow” tag on this thread, so I didn’ t see these replies. ok. First, Rene, I hope you are well and the second surgery is still on full steam ahead mode. I bought Raster to Mask. Have not used it yet, tho. I do not understand “Merge Group Rename” to keep the name of the photo…all my photo are DSC_2327 or something. And that list compile is one reason why I don’t post to any galleries. You may have seen a post from me somewhere complaining about guidelines and how long it takes to make them….guess what? That was a 10+ year old complaint and Carole had used me as a tester when she made the script back in the day! I forgot I had it because all I have is the test script, c_Guidelines. Get it? It’s out of alpha order with the Cass list of scripts! I found it about a month ago and couldn’t believe how fast and how well it worked. I use it so much I’m going to bind it! and Donna, dang it! You were a day late in answering! (A day after the sale! LOL! 🙂 ). Actually, I have at least one scatter….i just have to see which one. And I have one glitter, likewise, I have to look up which one it is. But I want to add the other scatter and make sure it’s Glitter B I have, because those glitters are wonderful! I have never seen multicolor like that - the most multi I’ve seen is light and dark of the same exact color. I would like to know how they print. Do they look glittery? I’d like to make some for next Christmas. I need to make a big batch of gift labels and tags on that expensive sticky paper. Like this one. UNLESS somebody knows a better product. I’m stuck in the 1990s sometimes. https://www.amazon.com/Waterproof-Printable-Rectangle-Oil-Resistant-Printer/dp/B0B87XD54X/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1POCB4HI2M0OM&keywords=sticker%2Blabels%2Bfor%2B"laser"%2Bprinter%2Bglossy&qid=1704316120&sprefix=sticker%2Blabels%2Bfor%2Blaser%2Bprinter%2Bglossy%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-7&th=1
  13. Aw, I’m sorry you were sick Jannette! And over Christmas is especially not fun! I finished putting away Christmas stuff almost a week ago until I realized our Christmas stockings were still hanging! A neighbor brought a tin of cookies to us - my husband is diabetic, so guess who ate every single cookie and candy in that tin? (Including homemade peppermint patties and Reese cups!) Tomorrow we spend the day - ok, a few hours - at the Route 66 Museum. (Route 66 winds from Chicago to LA, so I will be in an Illinois museum.) My husband doesn’t know it, but I have a CD with 2+ hours of the song “Route 66” performed by different people and bands from 1946 to the 2000s. About 60 versions. Hahaha. I bet I only get through 5 before he turns it off. You can sing along with us: Get your kicks on Route 66 https://audioperfecta.com/get-your-kicks-with-these-covers-of-route-66/ On the PSP front, I have a contribution to the Digital Scrapbook Blogtrain here: https://www.digitalscrapbook.com/forums/digital-scrapbooking/digitalscrapbookcom-blog-trains/jan-2024-blog-train-final-list I also have been doing some cleaning out of scripts and files, brushes and stuff. Corel doesn’t name their scrips as well as they should, so I have been renaming those so I know whose they are.
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