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Everything posted by Tonimarie

  1. Day 5 I was stuck when learning this, but then it all came to me after a bunch of tries, and I just love it. I can't wait to continue to use this. ? I used a scattered hearts brush around the photo
  2. Hello, here is my Day 4. I stayed up half the night on Paint Shop Pro! This was amazing. I can't wait to become a Diamond member. I'm just waiting for the kids to get out of school so I have all the time in the world to use it! Homeschooling is a lot on top of two babies under two. ?
  3. This is from Day 3 Kaleidoscope effect I've always used it as a border, but I never considered using it as a background. AWESOME! In the photo, that is Mr. Philly. I recused him last year from a terrible living situation. He is living his best life now ? wondering if my drop shadows look terrible? I have been practicing since the bootcamp lessons. Everyone's photos are beautiful. I love seeing everyone's work. ?
  4. oooo i think you are correct!!! thank you!
  5. Here's my 6 year old Amiya. She loves her photo taken ? I think I'm doing something wrong ? lol Everything looks kind of see-through ishhhh Going to do the next project and maybe re try this one again BUT! How cool to learn the plaid trick! Amazing Cant wait to see what new backgrounds I can do with that! Thank you ?
  6. Day 1 I made a Valentine's Day card for my husband. It took me a few times to get the hang of this. I kept messing up. I'm going to try again later to see if I get it down. This was amazing to learn! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
  7. Hey everyone I can't wait to do this today! and see everyone's work. ?
  8. Project 5 I had a ton of fun with bootcamp! and seeing everyone's beautiful work.
  9. Wonderful lesson! This is my fourth project. Again, this was a lot of fun. Joseph became a big brother a little over three months ago ?
  10. Project 3 This was a lot of fun! My drop shadow is terrible on the rope around the flower. I have to try and redo it, but I think I saved it as a jpg. Trying to improve working with drop shadows.... soon as I resized the rope it looked more ugly lol ? (Sorry Carole, my internet was weak due to the snow/rain where I am, but it appeared on my end..so I reposted )
  11. Ann, thank you. I had to edit it because the photo is on top of the tree and ribbon, and I was up late doing it (while the kids were all asleep, lol). beginner mistake ??
  12. Hey there, I just wanted to stop in and say hello. I signed up for the bootcamp, which is very exciting. I am very new to scrapbooking, but I have been using PaintShop Pro for many years. I will probably be scrapbooking a lot of pictures of my children. This is my first photo for the bootcamp project; it's of my 3-month-old son (Zackary) , I'll post my first project; I did two of them (kind of roughly the same), ) I couldn't decide which one I liked best.
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