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Everything posted by Shirley

  1. Looks like I was getting out of school early and didn't finish my project. Here is the o 3 card completed.
  2. Here is my 1st 3 cards. I am bit late with my cards, but I have been unwell, and probably not followed the rules correctly. I always heard that shingles was cruel, but had no idea it would be this painful and believe me I am in week 3 and there is no let up of pain. Getting a Tia, and a Uti in the midst of it all hasn't helped either. However have managed to get some finished I am posting the 1st 3 here today and I must say that even though the cards are very simple looking, there are some good techniques I have learnt. I had some issues with the first card, I couldn't get the paint in, but I went on to the 2nd card and it worked. I think maybe I had a small selection open on the work and it was stopping the action as I know it can.
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