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Everything posted by Shirley

  1. Recently, during our winter months in new Zealand, I had a go at an assortment of pen art. I thought why not feature my work in a magazine, so here goes. This is my first magazine workshop.
  2. Shenae had so much fun on her 2nd Birthday
  3. Page 5, and here she is with her Dad and the grandies. Her Dad's pet name for her was "my wee fluff".
  4. I am going to have a shot at this one
  5. Page 4 of Shenae's memory book. How cute is this kid.
  6. Page 3 1st Birthday for 30th birthday scrapbook
  7. Page 2 Baby shenae for 30th birthday scrap book
  8. Shirley

    Campus Dozen

    OMG the trouble I had with masks.
  9. Shirley

    Campus Dozen

    I think this was one of my 1st workshop projects and I am so grateful to all the help we get from our amazing leader.
  10. I am working on a scrapbook for my beautiful granddaughter, my gift for her 30th birthday.
  11. Shirley

    Campus Dozen

    Lesson on taking the picture out of the frame.
  12. Shirley

    Campus Dozen

    This one is from a bootcamp, probably about 5- 6 years ago. It was a fun day out with rriends
  13. Shirley

    Campus Dozen

    This was from an early workshop, reverting a coloured photo to take on the appearance of an old sepia photograph.
  14. Such a lot of talented people, lovely work
  15. WOW Mary! a great great grandchild, that is so special. My eldest Great is 19, but can't see any double greats coming for some time.
  16. Card 5. I chose the rocking horse, I don't know if it was a good idea or not, there were more pieces to shadow etc. I also reduced the card width in size. I used Ccarole's scollop stript on the ribbon.
  17. Card 6, I think I missed card 5, I will have to go back. Health still not good, so dragging the chain a bit.
  18. Looks like I was getting out of school early and didn't finish my project. Here is the o 3 card completed. Such an abundance of beautiful cards. Lovely to see Trish back again, I love your work Trish, and what a lot of newbies bringing some lovely work.
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