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Smudge tool in PSP?

Sharon Wilke

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I am looking for a tool in PSP that is comparable to the smudge tool in Photoshop. If I remember correctly, you could use custom brush tips. I found the Smear tool in PSP, but I couldn't operate it correctly. If this is the tool I'm looking for, Please point me in the right direction to a tutorial on using it correctly.
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From the User Guide in PSP:


To use a retouch brush


1 On the Tools toolbar, choose a retouch brush.

2 On the Tool Options palette, set the brush controls.

3 Drag in the image to apply the tool.


Smudge - Spreads color and image details from the starting point and picks up new color and image details as it moves, as though smearing paint.

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Hi Sharon,  I found some informations, may be they could be interesting for you.





I am really sorry, I didn't know that the youtube-links would not only appear as links!!! Hmmmm ...


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