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Hi, from Kansas, USA

Deb Jordan

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It's nice to find Scrapbook Campus. I have been using paint shop pro since PSP 5 came out. I have PSP 7, PSP 8, PSP X1 and PSP X5. I have only been using PSP 8, I like it the best. After using X5 for a while I decided I didn't like a lot of things PSP 8 had that Corel didn't leave in the program. I don't really don't do much scrapbooking although I have started many times. I always seem to get caught up want to create my own elements. Then I forget about doing the pages and work on elements. I have done countless tutorials and still belong to 2 active sharing groups. There is still much I need to learn about using PSP. I think I have only scratched the surface.
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Hello from east coast of Canada, I have been using Paint Shop Pro for sometime, but still have not created a scrapbook page, I like learning how to make paper, elements, etc.. I get distracted very easy, and keep jumping around all the place.


I see so much that I want to learn, that I want it all.. I am sure you will learn lots from here and the people are friendly.


Have a great day, will keep a watch out for you on the forum..

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