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Jamie Carey

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Posts posted by Jamie Carey

  1. My Life in Cars

    The cars I have had so far in my life.

    1) 1974 Plymouth Cricket.  I got this car from my sister for my 16th birthday. Her husband was being transferred out of the country for work and shipping it would have cost more than the car was worth.   I had that car from 1986-1989 it had push button start because the ignition was damaged when someone tried stealing it. which later became screwdriver start because the started died and no one had a replacement at the time.   No, I was not smoking weed when I had this car it has been parked in a farm field for several years LOL!

    2) 1974 Mercury Comet - My 2nd car was a Mercury Comet when I got it it had a vinyl top but it had been kept outside by the previous owner so it was faded and cracked. One day I was travelling from my place to my parents (a two-hour drive at the time) in a wind storm and the top started peeling off in big chunks I had to stop at a farmer's and borrow some duct tape to finish my trip I removed the vinyl and painted the roof and drove the car for several more years.

    3) Car 3 was a 1986 Chevrolet Impala this car was instrumental in two marriages that are still going strong (and neither of them was my relationship LOL.)  My best friend was 4 years younger than me and when he started dating the girl he ended up marrying I was their Chaperon until he was old enough to drive they now have 3 adult children (none of which were created in the backseat of the Impala) and their relationship is as strong as the day they started dating.  The second long-lasting relationship it played a part in was one of my cousin's. As the best man for their wedding, I became their driver when their car broke down on the way to the church for the wedding. Unlike their car, their marriage is still going strong as well.

    Vehicle 4) was a 1998 GMC Sierra. This one was my pride and joy I used my inheritance money to buy the truck after my dad passed away. Every time I drove that truck I felt like my dad was there with me.  When I finally gave it up it had over 350,000 kilometres or 218,000 miles on it.  

    The vehicle we have now is a 2014 Jeep Compass it would not have been my first choice or probably my last LOL. Based on the history of it (Where I live the dealerships are supposed to provide a Carfax ) The dealer who brought the car for my wife & I to test drive conveniently forgot the carfax and even more conveniently went on a 2-week long holiday the day after he brought me the car.  After I got the carfax I was tempted to take the vehicle back there were 2 accidents and 3 incidents of vandalism reported on it and i also found out when I tried to license the jeep for the 2nd time that the company that did the repair work for the insurance company didn't report to them that the work was done so legally it wasn't even supposed to be sold. Luckily the insurance company was able to track down the company that did the work and verify the repairs were done before it was sold to the dealership I bought it from. So far it has been a good vehicle but there are 3 companies that were involved in the sale of the vehicle that I will never deal with again. 

    Sorry this is such a long-winded post but I hope you enjoy the stories. I certainly enjoyed taking the trip down memory lane. 

    My Vehicles.jpg

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  2. There is a double meaning behind the title "3 cords and the truth."

    It is a quote from (Professor of Rock a YouTuber who tells the stories behind Music from the 80's)

    He uses it as his closing line when his videos are over.

    The second meaning of the line is my truth (I'm better at playing with pictures of my guitar

    then I am at playing the guitar LOL anyone willing to give lessons?)

    Project 4 Guitar 600.jpg

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  3. Bootcamp Project 3 “Friends”

    Good afternoon everyone here is my Bootcamp Project 3 "Friends" Project. Hope you enjoy it! 😉

     There are a lot of elements to this image.

    1)      For the background I used a photo of a patch of stone edging that I took using an app called “Mirror Labs” to create the geometric patterns.

    2)      The rectangular image was a photo of a sunset with a color filter applied

    3)      The photos were all taken at my friends Bryan and Lori’s daughter’s wedding reception

    4)      The sunflowers are a selection from a photo I took at a local Sunflower farm

    5)      The rainbow is selected from a photo of a CD with the sunlight creating the rainbow effect

    6)      The text is Lucida Handwriting font with a gradient fill and drop shadow

    As you can tell I like to use my photos for the elements whenever possible. I enjoy experimenting with a variety of photographic styles and photo effects apps. 📷

    Friends Project3 600.jpg

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  4. In my "Dinner For Two," I changed the color of the table to a gradient and invited my wife to join me.

    We have two customized sandwiches mine has extra onions and no tomato and my wife's sandwich

    has tomatoes but fewer pickles and onions to reflect our preferences. 

    Dinner for Two.jpg

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  5. Bootcamp Day 1 Post

    Good afternoon Everyone! I am looking forward to sharing my creations and seeing what everyone else comes up with. 

    I use Paintshop Pro 2022 Ultimate 64-bit version. My preferred workspace is the Complete Workspace. The Pallets I have open are the Layers, History, Brush Varience, Materials, and Tool Options. For the workspace color, I prefer the Light Grey workspace with the Dark Grey background color.

    I have decided to use this photo as one of my images I think I will focus my projects around music. Maybe that will inspire me to pick up my guitar again I am very much a beginner but have been fighting "Project Overload" problems Having too much on the go has caused me to lose focus on everything.

    See you all in "Project Two"

    Jamie Guitar.jpg

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  6. Here is my photo project for Assignment #1 of the Double Page Workshop. It is in Memory of my Dad "Digger" Don Carey who passed away in July of 2003. This July will be 20 years since his passing. He was a wonderful husband, father, and Grandfather.  He was married to my mom for 40years before he passed away he raised 3 great-kids (myself and my 2 sisters) I am the baby of the family and the only boy.(Aren't I Cute LOL) The baby in the last photo is his only grandchild my oldest sister's daughter. Sorry I'm a little behind on the projects but it's been a busy week. Hope everyone enjoys this as much as I have enjoyed viewing the rest of the projects here.


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