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Leslie Jostes

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Posts posted by Leslie Jostes

  1. 48 minutes ago, Cassel said:

    Two paragraphs below where you found the links to the Escale Amoureuse, you will find a mention of Alinamaria's template and a link to her blog. There, scroll down a bit until you find the word TELECHARGEMENT under the template. That will bring you to Mediafire, a hosting site. You will see the big blue button saying DOWNLOAD (37.29MB) on the right. That is where you click to download it. I have to admit that Mediafire, like many other hosting sites can be a nightmare to navigate!  Let me know if you find it.

    I found the link!  Thank you!

  2. I'm already off to a rough start...where do I find a .psd template? I downloaded the Escale Amoureuse - Parts 1 and 2... and the Greeting Card template.  Help!   .... Obviously I need more help than I realized - I thought that I had posted this comment back on Monday or Tuesday!  

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  3. On 1/16/2023 at 10:55 AM, Ann Seeber said:

    I've been a member of The Campus for over 2 years but I decided to try something new with my PSP setup. I activated the Navigation on the Manage tab in order to create thumbnails and then switched to the Edit tab and added the Organizer palette for the first time and voila, the thumbnails appeared as if by magic! It seems I'm forever hunting for the photos or elements I need so now I can gather them all in a Tray, which is also new to me.  Here's my setup:


    setup 2023_600.jpg

    Thank you Ann for your description of your setup.  I've been looking for the "Organizer" that I found once, then closed it and then wanted it back - but couldn't figure out how to get it back!  Your description helped - Thank you!

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  4. Fun project!  I had trouble right at the end - my quote didn't save until I converted that layer to a Raster.  Is that normal?  And at the top of my window, my "File" Menu disappeared from the toolbar!  I haven't figured out how to get that Menu back!  Thank goodness for the icons on the toolbar to help me out with saving and opening files.  Any thoughts on solving this menu issue?

    Key take-aways from this class: Drop Shadows! Adding more layers (than I was used to) and finding sources for papers and elements. Eraser tool to create a "pinking shear" edge! Using patterns in place of solid colors.  Developing my own patterns, too. 

    Great class - now I'm kicking myself for taking so long to sign up for a class!  So much easier to watch how it's done and then recreate it, than figuring it out on my own through LOTS of trial and error!  Thank you!

    Project 5_600px.jpg

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  5. Lots of lessons learned on Project 4!  One of which is that I can't seem to find elements and papers to support what I have in my head of what I want to create! I've downloaded many "freebie" packages but they don't seem to fill the bill.  And what are these "tubes" that I read you guys are using? Do tell!  Please!

    Project 4_600px.jpg

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  6. Full disclosure...I've never done any scrapbooking!  However, I do create photo books which I believe I can incorporate the scrapbooking skills that I am developing!  A win-win!  I am not a big glitter person, but I had fun seeing how to use it.  I was pleased that I could flood fill the hearts with a 3rd glitter color after creating the "2-tone" glitter to go under my photos.

    Project 3_600px.jpg

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