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Margo Ahern

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Posts posted by Margo Ahern

  1. These colors don't seem too inspired to me.  More indicative of how 2020 has been. I wish they had picked something vibrant and cheerful to set the tone for next year.  I used the colors to make a couple of patterns and random shapes I might be able to use in something.  Wow, this upload makes the colors look really off but they are a match to the Pantone colors in my program.
  2. I got behind this week.  Here is Project 3.  I really need to get more papers and decorative pieces so I can make my photos show up better.  Carole, this is the first time I have really used PSP.  I've had it since 2018 but just got frustrated with it and left it alone.  I have however used drop shadows a lot in CorelDraw so that was probably the easiest part of this exercise for me.



  3. I love the tutorials so far.  Carole's explanations are so easy to understand and follow.  I just have to quit instinctively trying to do things the way they are done in CorelDraw which I have used for years.  Here's my second project.


    Day 5 Project 2

  4. Hi.  I am totally new to digital scrapbooks.  The last time I did a scrapbook of any kind, the pages were black or vanilla color and you used those black corners to glue the pictures down.  Since I don't have kits or goodies yet, I used mostly elements I already had to complete the first two projects.  They are really basic since I'm figuring out PSP and scrapbooks.  Here is Day 3 Project 1:
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