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Lyn Lou

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Posts posted by Lyn Lou

  1. Friday morning I was aware of it, as it had been mentioned on the morning news and I was very keen to get to pictures, it is something I have always wished I could see. Friday was a busy day and by the end of the evening I had forgotten about it 😞 The next morning my son posted his photos from the night before!  I was gutted that I had forgotten about it! 
    Then I heard that there was another opportunity for that Saturday, so I was determined not to forget this one. We had a pre-planned day for Saturday, as it was the Euro-vision that day and each year we get together with family and become home judges for the competition. Before the show, there were two new Dr Who shows being broadcast and my hubby and son are big fans of the program, so we we arrived at their house at 5pm had an early dinner together and then watched the programs.
    The Eurovision usually finishes around midnight which was good timing for us as we travelled back home looking for an unpolluted place to park up. Unfortunately, there were not many places, and even less parking spaces. we continued to drive around trying to find somewhere, but no luck, so we drove home and as we got home and parked on our drive, I looked up at the night sky, and all I could see were stars and dark skies, but no signs of the Northern lights 😞 
    I decided to stay up a bit longer and check again a bit later, but fell asleep in the chair and woke up at 3.30am. I looked outside briefly and could not see anything so went to bed 😞 Got up late the next day still tired.
    I heard on the news that there maybe more opportunities over the coming months, so hoping to be able to get another chance and will find a better place for viewing. Lots of others in the UK were able to see it and take photos, some further south than we are. 


  2. Over the years I have had many cars, but one car meant a lot to me.  It was a Renault Scenic which I purchased from a close friend who had just been diagnosed from Cancer. It was more money than we would normally spend on a car,  £6000 at the time, but for me it was the perfect car, it was not as old as the cars I was used to driving as my husband always buys 2nd hand cars, and this one was not that old, it was in perfect condition, it was spacious, with a large "boot" area,  for shopping and transporting larger items,  it had lots of "hidden" compartments to put things, also 2 sunroofs, one over the front seats and one over the back seats. 
    I found it easy to drive, I loved driving it, it was the best car I had ever owned and driven, plus it had sentimental value as my close friend died within a couple of months of the day I bought his car.  (I still miss him, he was a great friend).

    Most cars we had  prior to that were shared between my husband and myself, and this was the first car that was my own car. I had the car for a number of years, until it came to the point when it started to have problems, i thought the problems could be fixed, but sadly it was the end of the road for my beloved car, 😞  I was gutted, as I was so attached to this car, which had never happened to me before.  I wish I still had this car or that I could get another one just like that. 

    The image was one of two images I could find (2012), the other one was when it was covered in snow, so the car was not recognisable. 


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  3. My daughter got married summer of 2022 in a beautiful historic Tudor Palace built for King Henry VIII, (1520). Situated in a old Roman Town, now a City. 
    She honey mooned in Italy, and sent us a photo daily of her eating one of many different Italian Ice Creams. (It was a hot summer!). 


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  4. Yes, I still have a Lego train set, I loved my Lego as a kid. I also have an Etch-A-sketch, Monopoly, Hotel Board Game, 2 of my dolls, and Sindy Doll, together with a dress I made for her. 
    I also had a Dolls house as a kid which I loved, but when we moved house, (aged 10), they left it in the old house as there was not enough room to take it to the new house 😞 I was not aware of that till we arrived at our new home. 
    We have lots of our children's toys, saving them for when we eventually become grandparents!! 


  5. Over the years I have tried many crafts. Even as a child I was creating things from card, paper, paint etc. I have done embroidery, knitting, crochet, pottery, jewellery.  (Won a crochet competition which was for a knitting & crochet magazine and my design was published. 

    I tried to encourage my daughter to be interested in crafts when she was younger, but she was more interested in sport. She did enjoy sketching now and then. A few years back she started doing Crochet, and she has made a number of things. I got my crochet hooks out, and realised it had been so long since I last did any crochet that I had forgotten some of the stitches!!  Since then it has been Scrapbooking, Digital Art, Photography, and composites.  

    UPDATE I have added Photos of an embroidery I created, with crochet back.



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  6. quote;

    Lyn (#86997), you tweaked the template with circles instead of squares behind the flowers. Amazing how a little tweak makes a card look so different.


    Thank you :)

    It  took me a while ensuring it was lined up, then I forgot to add the border you had put in the design, and added the outside edge one without a second thought! It was when I posted it I noticed I had forgotten that....I prefer your border, it looks better.


    At the start of the week I thought I had a free week to get this all done, but it has turned out to be busier than I thought, so not had much time to keep up with this. I want to try and complete it, not sure how much time I will get to do so this week.

  7. LOL Carole;

    (#86885), these cards remind me of a game on the Sesame Street show “One of these things just doesn’t belong” to find the one different image in a set of four.


    I did not have 4 different colour cupcakes so added the Macaron, I guess I could have added two different Macaron's and two cupcakes! Did not think of that at the time! lol

  8. In the newest versions of PSP, (& Windows 10 or 11), the older plugins there are some that may not work because they were originally written for the old Computers, in code (32bit), and it does not cope well with the new versions of PSP and Windows 10 or 11.


    New computers use 64 bit technology, which is why the plugins do not work as well as they require a 32bit version of PSP in order to use the older plugins. (When you purchase a new Version of PSP, it will give you the option to download both 32bit and a 64bit versions of PSP), (Select both).  Install your old plugins in the 32bit version of PSP.  (If the plugin is not working, first check you have installed it correctly, If not, see plugins information in resources section of Campus).


    Here I am referring to the older plugins that have the file extension of .8bf  ie PluginName.8bf  (Plugins filename which ends with .8bf  are the old plugins), and not the plugins that end in .exe


    There is a way around this by importing some of them into Filters Unlimited. (Import means to add the plugins into Filters Unlimited) There is an import menu to do this (see attached images).


    Some plugins have "Sets" of Filters inside the plugin folder, you will see that here are several files that end in .8bf and some may be in separate subfolders, these plugins provide many different menu options for that filter inside PSP ie  Colourize.8bf  Reflection.8bf  Shape.8bf etc  To add these to Filters unlimited you need to create a Database file first.


    On the bottom of the Filters Unlimited Menu there is a Database option next to the import button (See attached)

    To Create a Database click the Database Button and click NEW, then add a name for the Database; (Using the name of the Set of Filters you wish to add ie GregsFilterFactory.  Once the Database has been created it will appear in the Filters Unlimited Folder as GregsFilterFactory.db  (See attached)


    You can then add all the Gregs Filter Factory Plugins to this database folder that you just created, (See images attached);

    Click Import and Select the GregsFilterFactory.db to open the folder, then select the plugins you wish to add to the database, ie GregsTools.8bf GregsColourFilter, 8bf  Import each one, one at a time till all the Gregs Filters have been added to the database. option and you should see the GregsFilterFactory.Db in the list.


    Any files listed in the Database can be selected for use in Filters unlimited. To use the ones just added, select the database and look for the one you wish to use ie GregsFilterFactory.db, you will then see all the different menu options for that filter.


    Remember that it may not work for all the old Plugins, there are some that will not work at all, ie some of the Mura Meister Plugins do not work.


    *Please note; do not add to an existing database unless they are part of that filter, in case it stops working. It is better to create a new one.

  9. Carole, Yes that was created with Kaleidoscope. I did a few tries till I got one I liked and I really love that one. I Love the effect that it is a bit like sun rays radiating out from the centre of the image. The white is the dresses, the peach colour is the arms. With a touch of green from the grass.   I love how it turned out.
  10. I'm a bit behind as I have a busy week, but will try and catch up.

    This one is one of my sisters and myself having fun in my aunts garden.

    All our pretty dresses we wore as kids were made by my mother

    We all had matching outfits and on one occasion my mother had the same too!



  11. Rene;  Try re-installing PSP to see if that works. I found I had to do that for mine when it stopped opening up.




    I'm here.  I am a scrap booker and love using mask. I read Carole's introduction and saw some interesting new techniques I would like to try with the backgrounds.

    ( I have a busy week, but looking forward to doing this too)

  12. There is an Import button at the bottom of the menu (left side), you can import (old) .8bf plugins into an existing database or one that you created.


    Once in the database, select the database button next to the import button, and select the name of the database you wish to use, ie Photos.db, the photos plugins should appear in the filters menu.


    Most, not all .8bf plugins work on Filters Unlimited.


    You may find some plugins that are already setup for Filters unlimited, these files are .ffx files these can be added directly inside the Filters unlimited Folder, in one of the database Folders. (Database Folders names end in .db)


    Below are a few example names of Filters Unlimited Plugin Database Folder and filter Files that can be found in the Filters Unlimited Plugin Folder. You can create your own database for each plugin.  Inside these folders you will find the .FFX files these are pre- imported Filters Unlimited plugins.  (One folder per plugin, ie all Background plugin files are in Background.db folder).


    Example Folders;







    Example plugins (inside database folders)

    __Background_ - _Smoke.ffx

    __Background_ - _Splash.ffx

    __Background_ - _Swirl.ffx


    I hope that Helps


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