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Jacques Lacerte

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About Jacques Lacerte

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  1. @Cassel This is my grandson (Ludovyk), the younger brother (Noah) who appears in the photos of my other projects. This is one of the photos I converted into a painting using the "Corel Painter" software in the "Van Gogh" style (nearly a week of work)
  2. Although I have been using PaintShop pro since 2007 (PainshopProp Photo 11), this is the first time I use it to make "Scrapbooks". I have rather used Corel Painter to transform my photos into "paintings". I have learned many things that I will reuse.
  3. I found my mistake: It was when I put my background paper which was not in the right format. All my other images were distorted. I will redo my project. Thank you
  4. @Cassel: My photos have a resolution of 3000x4000 pixels. When I copy and paste them as a layer and adjust them to the project, they seem to lose "precision" and pixels appear. Is this normal?
  5. Is it just me or the second link doesn't work? ( https://www.antebellumpress.com/2021/03/01/ps-march-bt-spring-skies/)
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