Make sure you log in before upgrading to the yearly plan to make sure it is associated with your account and you are pro-rated credited for the rest of the month.
Upgrade with your Paypal
Upgrade with your Credit Card
Upgrade with your Paypal
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Upgrade with your Credit Card
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With the DIAMOND membership, you will become a confident digital scrapbooker, and feel more and more comfortable with your PaintShop Pro with immediate and unlimited access to:
400+ video tutorials to show you how to create your own elements, special effects and how to use your current stash in creative ways
200+ inspiration “experiments” to stretch your imagination with creative layouts
70+ layered templates to speed up the creation of your layouts
120+ the Master Class packages including the edited streaming video, the downloadable video and an illustrated guidebook you can print
forum access
email support
in addition to the future content added monthly through TheLab and the Master Classes.