Reply To: Calendar Workshop 2023

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Calendar Workshop 2023 Reply To: Calendar Workshop 2023

Susan Ewart
    • 763
    • Superfan

    Who says you cant put a circle (flower) in a square (glass) in a circle (mask)….or a circle in a star in a circle? ?

    All kidding aside.  First off, Dawn, thank goodness for your result.  The “C’ word is scary.

    Here is my March and April works in progress.  I am playing with each month with colors, fonts.  April’s front is nice but ugh, the color looks like bad bruise, so it will change, thought you’d get a laugh over it.  I will keep experimenting with color, font, texture and after the workshop I will choose what I liked the best.

    Carole, I had something weird happen with using the glyphs.  Not sure if it’s the font program (Font Base, subscription version) or just how some fonts are.  I copied and pasted the glyph and some of it is cut off.  Have you seen it before?  Is that just something that happens?  I did choose another font.

    I like the masks, they are interesting.  At first I thought I shouldn’t have the white space around images that were shot that way (I have other photos of the star one, shot on different colored backgrounds that I made sub in later), but now I like that white space.

    Oops, forgot to add the fonts.  April is Prida02Calt.  March is PridaEmCooper.  I’m not sure where I got them.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Susan Ewart.