Reply To: June TUT/TECH Challenge – Multicolored Text

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges June TUT/TECH Challenge – Multicolored Text Reply To: June TUT/TECH Challenge – Multicolored Text

Susan Ewart
    • 763
    • Superfan

    I don’t have a subscription either.  I found them to be quite responsive when I had a problem logging on (my fault) and they fixed it right away.  Norton hasn’t detected anything devious from them so far.  I get the freebie’s and bundles.  I love looking through the fonts and there is cool ideas when you look at the thumbnails when you click on a font to see more of it.  sometimes I really like a font and will pay the $1 sale price if I don’t want to wait and see if it will come around as a freebie.  I did buy my favorite font (Samantha Upright Script by Laura Worthington) that finally came on sale for $9, reg. $79.  It’s on sale for $17 right now.  It has so many glyphs that it has a user guide!  I’d say give it a month or two with the free membership and then decide if the membership price is worth it.