Reply To: What are you working on (in October 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in October 2021)? Reply To: What are you working on (in October 2021)?

Sue Thomas
    • 1598
    • Superfan

    I took another look at what I did last night, at the time I thought it was a tad off by a fraction, which to me made all the difference. But then I had been looking at it for awhile. I created this one early this morning, using a different font. The letters Y and C are exactly the same size, and the angle is precise. Amazing what 1 digit difference can make to the keen eye. This is only 25kb, 400 pixels. Should any of you like to use it in a festive project, let me know and I will post in the files the original 2,000 x 1,000 pixel PSP file or PNG.  I’ve now got the hang of creating this  style of  wordart.