
Reply To: What are you working on (in April 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in April 2021)? Reply To: What are you working on (in April 2021)?

Sue Thomas
    • 1598
    • Superfan

    Annie, thank you ever so much for your continued kind comments on my work.  I’m always trying to find new ways to showcase my photos, if it wasn’t for Carole, and everyone who participates in sharing their pages, I do believe that I would struggle  for inspiration to create pages. I have  many emotions, one being sad,   every time I  see litter which is discarded from vehicles,  and when I read that the government is now allowing  farmers to cut their grass for hay  earlier, and  the ditches.  As birds will not have the  time to raise their young in time.  And the list goes on and on.  I look out across the Prairies, and all I see is cultivated  land, or  prime land locations being  gobbled up and turned into concrete jungles.  Once  the native grasslands have been broken, it is nigh on impossible to restore them.  The birds of the open Prairies have to contend with  herbicides, pesticides, heavy machinery, they already have a challenging life, without mankind putting its 4 penneth worth in.  I read how mankind has saved birds and mammals from extinction, and they make such a big thing  of it.  What irks me the most is , we should  not have allowed it to get to that point in the first place.  Mother  Nature is constantly sending out SOSs, and we are not not taking a blind bit of notice.  I fear the damage to our planet is almost irreversible now, unless we  instantly dramatically change our ways. We have conservation areas, where dedicated people are working hard to keep the habitat as it’s meant to be, but it’s a  very tiny percentage of what all mother nature’s creatures need to thrive. I find the  insect world tells me  a lot, as their numbers, and species are dwindling dramatically every year.

    Join us for our next live Master Class, on September 1st