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This project was again a lot more difficult than it looked. I’m not using a lot of the materials suggested ion the lesson, because I clicked on one of the “kit” links and ended up in a bewildering site with lots of irrelevant stuff like homeschooling lessons, and no clear path to the kit in the lesson. I bailed on that direction out of frustratyion. Since my interest in bootcamp is much more focused on getting familiar with PSP 21 (I have no significant interest in scrapbooking), I just used my limited collection of papers, etc., so I could learn tghe techniques.
The first problem came with flood-filling the borders. I followed the directions, but I had to click dozerns of times in the borders to get the colors to partially fill. Even then, some area would not fill and the bordes are ragged. Any thoughts?
Getting toe font to change dolor did not work as shown in the video. The only way I could get the color to change was to click on the color box in the text toolbar, which brought up the color wheel. That worked fine, but each letter required the same process, and in each click on the color box, I had to select a color anew – which meant that I was not using exactlyh hte same color as the previous time. There was no “recent colors” area so I could consistently use the same hue.
I think the most important question for me is why the flood fill didn’t work as expected. Anuy advice is welcome.