
Reply To: BOOTCAMP March 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom BOOTCAMP March 2021 Reply To: BOOTCAMP March 2021

Peter Sherrill
    • 27
    • Rookie

    OK, here’s my second attempt at assignment 2.  Thanks to Sue Thomas and Laurie Solaas for their VERY helpful advice. It turns out  that PSP decided to create a new layer (unannounced and not asked for) for some of the text I was creating, which kept me from seeing it.  Also, somehow my base-paper got selected, which made many tools unavailable on other layers.  I ended up making all layers invisible (thanks for that trick, Cassel!) and then – one at a time – looked at each layer to see what was on it. My missing text showed up on several different layers (the result of several failed attempts) so I deleted all the extra layers and placed the text again.  Curiously, I couldn’t get the “return” key to place text on a second line.  I created a second text element, but then PSP wouldn’t rotate it; AND, when it came time to save as .jpg, that text element wasn’t there.  Not sure why

    My take-home lessons:  do a “select: none”  often; label each layer with some identifier so I’ll recognize when PSP has “provided” an extra layer I didn’t ask for; don’t be shy about making all layers invisible, and then checking each one individually.  This is particularly important for me, since I’m vision-impaired and those teeny little images in the “layers” area are almost useless for inspection purposes.

    Join us for our next live Master Class, on September 1st