
Reply To: BOOTCAMP March 2021

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom BOOTCAMP March 2021 Reply To: BOOTCAMP March 2021

laurie solaas
    • 147
    • Junior

    I learned the hard way that if you have an items selected on another layer, that the tools won’t seem to work. I had this happen to me a lot when I first started using the program. I’d forget to deselect and then try to use a tool on one of the top layers, and nothing happened! I don’t know if this could have been an issue with you or not. If so, try a Control D, when tools won’t work and then try again. I also couldn’t scale something before, and that’s because I forgot to set it to ‘scale’ word on the tool bar. In the beginning, when I forgot to do this, I spent 20 minutes once, trying to scale something, doing the same thing over and over. I don’t know if possibly that was the issue with you but I hope this helps.

    Join us for our next live Master Class, on September 1st