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Anja Pelzer
    • 65
    • Junior

    I want to say Hi to all of you ,

    my name is Anja . in the web my name is Ayla, I live in Germany with my Son Kai, in a town – Aachen near the Netherlands and Belgium

    I love to scrap my photos and love challenges, I create templates for scrapbooking and minikits

    the programs I used are Photoimpact 10 and X3,  and old version of Photoshop CS2.

    a few years ago I had PSPx1 and tried a german online kurs in an german forum. but my Pc crashed.

    Now last week I bought PSPX9 and try to work with it, I bought some script from Cassel and try around with them

    I am not good in english videos because it is hard for me to follow the words – translate and following the mouse to the menues.

    I am more comfortable with written tutorials and some screens , so I can look to it and find all in my german version of psp with a little help from the screens and translator.

    here are some of my works with PSCS2  and photoimpact